Private Motorcycle Training & Riding Lessons in TX

Take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic RiderCourse with one-on-one instruction on how to ride a motorcycle!

Choose your own dates, schedule and hours for these private courses!

Private riding instruction is offered at any of our Mancuso Crossroads riding school locations anytime the regularly scheduled rider classes are not in session. Tuition is $800 and includes the use of a helmet and motorcycle, plus all course books, materials and insurance. If you prefer to use your own motorcycle, the price is reduced to $750 (Your motorcycle insurance will apply. Check with your agent to ensure coverage!)

Sign up to learn how to ride a motorcycle by clicking on the Crossroads location and choosing "Private Lessons." When filling out your class request, include requested dates and times. Each class includes an online ecourse which must be completed prior to the 10 hours of on-the-bike instruction at your desired location. You may also register via phone (281) 897-7121 during regular business hours (9a-5p Tuesday through Saturday).

We will contact you quickly after your registration to verify your schedule and get the additional information necessary to complete the registration for your courses.

Successful completion of the MSF Basic RiderCourse fulfills Texas requirements and enables you to go to any DPS office to complete the written portion of the DPS test and get your motorcycle endorsement.

Private rider course instruction for how to ride a motorcycle is available strictly on a first-come, first-served "as available" basis. For additional information about our training, please call us at (281) 897-7121.